Michael Shrader is a native Virginian, born and raised in Blacksburg where he also attended college at Virginia Tech. An environmental engineer by training, he spent over two decades designing and implementing data analysis frameworks and helping organizations optimize efficiency through business intelligence in the DC area. In 2019, Michael and his wife Mo became co-owners at Green Meadows Farm in Maurertown, a 100-acre cooperative on the North Fork. Through Green Meadows, they became enthralled by the beauty of the valley and felt compelled to participate more actively in conservation and land stewardship. Michael retired early from his career in data analytics in 2021 and pursued a certificate in permaculture through Forrested. Michael, Mo, and their three dogs then moved to Woodstock full-time so that Michael could be closer to Green Meadows, where he has spent the last two years converting game trails to hiking paths, establishing a regenerative farming plot, and improving the forest and grassland ecosystem through USDA and DOF conservation programs. He is honored and humbled by the opportunity to join the board of Friends of the North Fork, where he hopes his enthusiasm and commitment to the cause will help advance the mission and vision of FNFSR.